Saturday, June 30, 2007

So You Think You Know Me?

Finally, here it is... the moment of truth.

So you think Maman's life is an open book?

So you think Maman's life is a staged play?

So you think you know all that there is to know about Maman?

Well, here's your chance to prove yourself.

As you would have noticed by now, I have linked a "How well do you know me" test, and I've embedded the scoreboard on the sidebar.

Now listen up! I'm putting up an open challenge to each and every single one of you who are in my acquaintance, regardless of your position in my life! I challenge you to take up this test.

What's in it for you? Well, let me finish.

I will post a new test once every fortnight (for the uneducated, that's once every 2 weeks), and at the end of the month I will review the results for BOTH tests.

The winner of each test is determined when:
  • You score above 75%
  • Your percentage score is the highest among those in the >75% group

At the end of the month, I will invite both winners for a buffet dinner at The Hyatt Hotel's "Straits' Kitchen" as an appreciation of their depth of knowledge about me and my life. Oh, and in case it's still not clear to you yet, the dinner's on me.

Even though my financial capacity usually wouldn't allow for such extravagance (especially since I'm the breadwinner of the household), I'm still willing to put aside that sum of money for these 2 friends of mine for they have proven themselves to be worthy of such sacrifice.

What am I trying to prove, or get out of this whole test, you may wonder? Simple.

I've been hearing so many rumours about myself for the longest time (especially in the gay circle) now and to be honest, I'm so sick of hearing such myths about myself.

So, if you think you know me so goddamn well that it gives you the right to spread such malicious rumours and accusations about me, my life and my family, then I all the more dare you to take up the challenge! If you can prove to me that you know me that damn well, then I will personally grant you the authority to spread such rumours about myself, even though I know they're most certainly not true.

Yes, I'm so fucking sick and tired of people (half of whom don't even know me!) passing judgement and spreading cock-and-bull stories about things they know nothing about, that I'm willing to bring it up one notch and put my personal pride and dignity on the line!!!

You think you know me... But you have no idea!

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