Oh just so you know, I don't have to go to the extend of smothering my face with all sorts of products to maintain my fairly (pun intended) smooth complexion. I only apply my Nivea oil control daily facial wash (twice a day - once after my morning shower and the other when I get back home from work), and once every fortnightly, I'd use a pore strip (to get rid of those darn blackheads), exfoliating gel (to remove the dead (r.i.p) skin cells on my face) and then I'd finish off with a relaxing facial mask.
It's an undaunting task really, if you were to compare it with the beauty regime most people practice. Hey, I might be gay, but I'm straighter than you think okay! Haha!
Anyway, going back to my point, I've been sleeping on the thought of going on a temporary vegetarian diet for the past couple of days. To those who know me damn well and are laughing their asses off at this very moment, shut the hell up okay! I know I'm a friggin' carnivore (really, how can one not have meat/seafood in their plate of food?!) but I'm sure you'd recall the days where I'd only consume fruits (and drink juices), and I'm sure you know that I'd spend at least half an hour on the salad bar (if we've gone for buffets together, that is)!
So, with that said.... Impossible meh?? Okay okay, it is impossible for me to turn into a full-time vegetarian (heavens forbid!) lah, but if it's only for a week or two (or at the very most a month?)... Can right?
Eh come on lah... Give me some friggin' support can?! And to Sharon and Ivan whom I know are still laughing their asses off right now, shut the bloody hell up you baboons! (side note: I miss you 2 bitches lah! Sob sob)
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