Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blast From The Past

I know I'm a few days late, but I'm still gonna say it...


Do you still remember how, back in Primary School, we were all so excited when Children's Day drew nearer?

Do you still remember how we spent days guessing on what the annual Children's Day gift pack may be when it's handed out by the school on the eve, and not to mention, speculating on the teachers whom we thought would be performing for the Children's Day concert???

Do you still remember the look on our faces when we saw our favourite teachers performing, be it a song, a dance, or both??? Oh gosh, those were the days lah!!!!

And oh oh oh.... Do you still remember THIS song?

Semoga Bahagia

Sama-sama maju ke hadapan
Pandai cari pelajaran
Jaga diri dalam kesihatan
Serta sopan-santun dengan kawan-kawan

Dengan hati bersih serta suci
Sama-sama hormat dan berbudi
Jaga tingkah pemuda-pemudi
Adat dan budaya junjung tinggi

Capailah lekas cita-cita pemudi-pemuda
Supaya kita ada harga di mata dunia

Kalau kita lengah serta lupa
Hidup kita sia-sia
Jiwa besar sihat serta segar
Rajin dengan sabar tentu bahagia

Lemah-lembut perangai pemudi
Cergas tangkas wataknya pemuda
Suka rela selalu berbakti
Sikap yang pembela dan berjasa

Capailah nama yang mulia pemudi-pemuda
Rajinlah supaya berjaya, semoga bahagia

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