Tuesday, October 16, 2007

When Whites Don't Understand English

I've just updated my Fridae profile a little over an hour ago, and I just received a message from some dumb-fuck ang moh who don't understand the concept of rejection.

My (updated) profile reads:
Let me make myself clear for the upteenth time -- I don't fancy caucasians! Capiche?

I'm an Asian who prefers Asians, particularly Chinese, and though I don't mind getting to know my fellow Malays or those of any other Asian ethnicity, I draw my line at being friends.

Call it racial discrimination if you must, but that's just my personal preference. Furthermore, it's not like you're applying for some job, right?

And oh, I don't believe in the idea of a "monogomous long-distance relationship" either. You sure you can keep it in your pants when we're miles apart? Wanna bet 10 bucks on that?!

...And 15 minutes later, this dumb-fuck messaged me:
hi im nick from athens i like u very much i can say im crazy with asians even with u but im not sure if u r interested in whites and look for only asians just let me know ok/maybe u have to taste whites one time baby ok?

i can say i like u very much u seem to be very sexy and cute hope u answer me and give me u yahoo or msn ok? maybe we meet later if u like

kisses nick

Wanna know what I replied him?

First of all, may I suggest that you read my profile over and over again till u understand what every single word of it means.

And just to let you know, you're of the same age as my Mom!

So I'm sure you know what my answer is, right? Or do you need me to spell it out for you?

Mak Datuk!!!! If it were some bloody !xubile African or some Arab suicide-bomber who sent the message, then I'd understand his inability to comprehend the English Language and I would then gladly let him down easy lah, but what he fuck?! He's a bloody old-fuck ang moh!!! Bodoh nak mampus siak ni Mat Salleh!!

What, Greek men don't speak english, is it?! I'll SMS Zeus and ask him to shoot a bloody bolt of lightning on your shrivelled balls, I tell you! Plabuto punya Mat Salleh!

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